Trabalhos do artista John Bell para a série Troll Hunters
Abaixo você confere vários designs criados pelo artista John Bell para a série Troll Hunters, de Guillermo del Toro. Visite o website de John e veja muito mais de seu portfolio, que inclui trabalhos para os filmes Penguins of Madagascar, Skull Island:Kong, Jurassic Park: Lost World e Car2, apenas para mencionar alguns.
For English Readers
Arts from Guillermo del Toro’s Troll Hunters, by John Bell
Above you’ve seen several designs created by the artist John Bell for Guillermo del Toro‘s series Troll Hunters. Visit John’s website so you can see much more from his portfolio, including movies such as Penguins of Madagascar, Skull Island: Kong, Jurassic Park: Lost World and Car2, just to name a few.