Artes do filme The Willoughbys, da Netflix (vários artistas)
Hoje compartilhamos aqui algumas concept arts criadas para o filme “The Willoughbys“, produzido por Bron Studios em associação com Creative Wealth Media. Os trabalhos foram publicadas originalmente como parte da matéria de Alex Dudok de Wit para o site “Cartoon Brew“, e destaca os artistas Jason Kraft, Cory Evans, Kyle McQueen, Mike Chen, Ke Yang, Aaron Spurgeon, and Marie Thorhauge. The Willoughbys está disponível na plataforma Netflix desde 22 de Abril.
Jason Kraft Jason Kraft Cory Evans Kile McQueen Mike Chen Mike Chen Mike Chen Mike Chen Ke Yang Aaron Spurgeon Aaron Spurgeon Marie Thorhauge
Today we share some great concept artworks created for the movie “The Willoughbys“, produced by Bron Studios in association with Creative Wealth Media. These arts were first published by Alex Dudok de Wit in his article for “Cartoon Brew“, and feature the artists Jason Kraft, Cory Evans, Kyle McQueen, Mike Chen, Ke Yang, Aaron Spurgeon, and Marie Thorhauge. The Willoughbys is available on Netflix since last April 22.