Matrículas para Fall Term 2021 na CGMA iniciam em 26 de Julho.

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As matrículas para os cursos para o termo de Outono 2021 serão abertas na segunda-feira, dia 26 de julho, com novos cursos e ótimos instrutores.
Faça cursos que se alinham com seus objetivos específicos e prospere sob a orientação de talentosos artistas da Marvel, DreamWorks, Blizzard e muito mais.

A CGMA permite uma experiência de aprendizagem online totalmente envolvente.
- Treinamento especializado de profissionais da indústria
- Salas de aula virtuais e colaborativas
- Feedback personalizado de especialistas
- Perguntas e respostas semanais ao vivo.
Domine suas habilidades em qualquer lugar do mundo!
Previs for Film And Games with Huan Phan

In this course, we will cover the process of using virtual cameras, characters, and environments to visualize complex shots or sequences before starting film production.
Students will use digital tools along with traditional filmmaking techniques to create compelling 3D cinematic sequences for entertainment projects. Topics covered include shot composition, camera animations, character blocking, vehicle animations, staging, timing, and editing.
Cloth Creation and Simulation for Real-Time with Jayson Fitch

This course covers how to incorporate Marvelous Designer into cloth workflows for real-time character creation, from software basics to advanced techniques for creating realistic and stylized garments.
The course will begin with an introduction to the software by creating modern, contemporary garments and then a deep dive into project workflow for highly detailed clothing of various materials using Marvelous Designer, Zbrush, and Unreal Engine…
Animation Foundation 101 With
Andy Le Cocq

This course is a deep dive into the 12 principles of animation, taking the basic exercises and pushing them to the next level. By the end of the 10 weeks, students will have a solid understanding of the principles of animation and how to apply them to their own animation projects.
They’ll get a better sense of how they can use Maya and its tools, and not letting the software dictate how to animate…
3D for 2D Artists with
Sergio Castaneda

This class will help students understand how powerful 3D is and how to take advantage of different techniques to translate 2D skills into full 3D scenes. Students will render multiple scenes while learning to incorporate 3D techniques into their concept art workflows.
Initially, the course will focus on the essential 3D tools to quickly generate great 3D base images that can be presented as blackouts ready to be polished in a painting software like Photoshop. As the course progresses, students will start working with more complex organic scenes.
Finally, students will create an entire environment based on their own 2D drawing or sketch, getting multiple shots to tell a story…
Vegetation & Plants for Games
with Jared Sobotta

During this 6-week course, students will create a small vignette environment focusing heavily on the creation of vegetation and plants. The process will include using a tree as the focal point, creating a bark texture, importing these assets into Unreal Development Kit, and composing a final portfolio-ready shot.
Lectures will demonstrate several different tools and workflows to achieve quality assets, tools that include Maya, SpeedTree, Zbrush, Substance Designer/Painter, and the Unreal Development Kit…
Digital Painting
with David Merritt

This course is an introduction to digital painting and color composition for film and animation. With an emphasis on studying the works of old masters, students will discover the process of how to deconstruct the picture plane through film studies, reproductions of masterworks, and the widely used—but often understated—the industry-standard technique of ‘Photobashing…
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